Profood, a commodities group which is a member of the Federazione Gomma Plastica (rubber-plastic federation, part of Confindustria), which played an active part, organised an event aiming to shed light on issues with the PPWR, approved at the end of the previous legislative session of the European Parliament. “The speakers invited by ProFood, Ron Lemaire, […]
REFENCE for DIRECT: the new absorbent tray made from Food Contact r-XPS

Key players in this success are Versalis, the chemical company of Italian oil major Eni; and Forever Plast, an Italian company engaged in post-consumer plastic recycling, who came together to create REFENCETM, the innovative range of polymers from post-consumer recycled product suitable for direct food contact. Developed and manufactured thanks to the new NEWERTM technology, […]
The paradoxes of the PPWR at Macfrut

At MacFrut 2024, Pro Food drafted a press release which sheds light on the paradoxes and issues with the PPWR. Just some of the negative impacts of the new packaging regulation are listed below: Find out more by reading the complete press release: click here.
PPWR at the antipodes of balance. Initial targets and neutrality disregarded: plastic says no.

Unionplast-Federazione Gomma Plastica’s appeal to the Commission, Council and European Parliament is to ensure fair and rational rules. Read the press release and discover the statements of Marco Bergaglio, President of Unionplast.
PPWR: out of time the questionable and not conclusive results of LCA study by JRC, comparing single-use and re-usable packaging in HORECA sector

The release comes out of time, less than two weeks until the final PPWR political trialogue scheduled for 4 March, where reuse targets and bans on single-use packaging will undoubtedly be the hot topics of inter-institutional negotiations. What we want to highlight is not so much the questionable results of this study, but more the […]

All the representatives agreed to reassert the need for an approach to the PPWR which is not ideological but based on the data, highlighting the importance of plastic packaging in defending the value of products and extending their shelf-life, as well as its essential role as a tool for fighting food waste (of which 70% […]
Agreement between Gruppo Happy and Siropack Italia on RESPECT technology

This is why we have chosen Siropack Italia technology for sealing of our PET and r-PET single-material trays, signing an agreement for four S88 machines. Respect is one of Siropack Italia’s flagship new products, and perfectly aligns with Gruppo Happy’s innovative approach. It is a technology which, thanks to a special treatment applied to the […]
Unionplast – Comunicato stampa: Regolamento imballaggi

Con le parole dello stesso Presidente di Unionplast: “Siamo ancora una volta di fronte ad un provvedimento iniquo, ideologico, dai dubbi risultati ambientali e che ha l’aggravante di essere stato prodotto in assenza di una valutazione di impatto credibile.“ Leggi il comunicato stampa completo cliccando qui!
COMUNICATO STAMPA PRO FOOD: Verso la sostenibilità (reale) e il riconoscimento del „modello Italia“

Il comunicato stampa si sofferma su tre importanti aspetti di questo passaggio legislativo: – Una „vittoria“ del buon senso e di un modello globale. – Un’azione politica accorta e ben coordinata di tutti i rappresentanti italiani e non, a difesa di un intero sistema produttivo. – L’auspicio a restare uniti e a consolidare sempre più […]
Documento FilctemCgil – Femca-Cisl – Uiltec-Uilin

Oggi più che mai è fondamentale „sostenere e rafforzare l’economia circolare che ha caratterizzato il nostro Paese, non solo per valorizzare il modello industriale e gli investimenti pubblici e privati di questi anni, ma per garantire una giusta transizione anche da un punto di vista sociale.“ Leggi il documento completo