The sustainable choice

“Sustainable development is development that meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs”

Gro Harlem Brundtland, “Our Common Future (Brundtland Report)”, 1987

Sustainability can be defined as the sum of three different elements: economic sustainability to generate income and employment, social sustainability to ensure welfare and environmental sustainability, to protect and preserve natural resources.

For us, sustainable development is the outcome of a business model that generates value by reducing the environmental impact and increasing the benefits for its stakeholders and society as a whole.

Sustainability can therefore be achieved only through the sustainability of the entire supply chain: from production to its use within the food and retail industries. The aim is to contribute to a safer distribution of food, improve the life quality of consumers and help reduce food waste.

Packaging Sustainability

Good packaging can be defined as inherently sustainable. In fact, it prevents food waste, whose costs, both economically and economically, are a lot higher than those of producing packaging.

Therefore, our task is to make the packaging more SUSTAINABLE, RECYCLABLE and CIRCULAR We work to reduce food waste to minimize the impact values of the entire production chain by using secondary raw materials wherever possible. In addition, we work to optimise production processes by reducing waste and increasing the use of renewable electricity.

But this is not enough. We need promote a conscious use of packaging to reduce over-packaging. And we also provide information for a proper disposal to increase quality secondary raw materials and reduce waste dispersion in the environment.

"Good packaging has never turned a bad product into a good one, but bad packaging can turn a good product into a bad one."

Bruno Munari, 1907-1998